Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Missions: Is It Worth It?

Is It Worth It?
By: Joyce Wells Booze
   The Time,
          energy expended,
          to preach the gospel,
          to the ends of the earth-
   To Leave Native Land,
          aged parents,
          familier places,
          to live in an alian culure,
          to learn a difficult language,
          to eat strange food-

   Is It Worth It?

   Those Who Receive The Gospel,
           for the first time,

           recongnize it’s worth-
   To Them, It Brings,
          enlightenment to the mind,
          cleaning to the soul,
          healing to the body-
   They Know The Barrenness
          of life without His Word-
   Perhaps Only Those,
          who have become accomplished,
          to the gospel’s blessing,
          ever ask, “Is It Worth It?”

                                 ~Joyce Wells Booze

So is it worth it? As for me…YES!